I was minding my own business, taking code that scans images and outputs ASCII characters and converting it to code that scans images and outputs arrays of Color objects. This would allow me to recreate the image in Java code... Don't ask.
I copied the image to ASCII scanner code verbatim. And boom. Fail. Although it has no problem getting color values and picking the character to represent that pixel, doing the same thing and creating a Color in the right spot in an array utterly fails. Every color I create is black. I spent two nights trying different tweaks, filtering the image, setting its color mode, and more. Still get an array of black pixels.
Then, after giving up and doing something else (While the bruises on my forehead heal), I decided to just use the images themselves, like any other NORMAL human being would. It was fun showing off how neat my ASCII solution was, it resulted in really good looking arcade style images. But it just isnt practical for a game that will have a growing library of object images etc.
So I just need to be very careful in managing how many images I'll be loading/showing at any given moment.