Thursday, August 20, 2020

How We've Given Up On Tomorrow

Whenever I fly, or see public transportation, Or traffic in general, the same question inevitably comes to mind.

Why have we given up on the future?

There was a time when we looked to the future with excitement and imagination. We envisioned a world full of endless possibilities. Then we just kind of gave up. I'm not talking about flying cars or cities in giant glass domes I'm talking about everyday things. Take flying. We pile into an airplane, seats packed so tightly everyone in your row has to get up if you need to leave your seat. And if you have to use the bathroom while the food cart is working its way down the walkway, too bad (And you're not allowed to use the restroom in first class).

Why have we decided that this is what air travel is, and will be forever? Where did innovation go? Yeah sure - costs. But still. What constitutes improvement in air travel? Plugins for your laptop or phone? Rentable notepads to play movies on? How about we find a way to have more room? How about we are allowed to move about, and have like minibars etc. Why is that only for private jets? Wouldn't it be worth some extra money to be able to hang out, more like a cruise ship than a crappy city bus? Surely there's some way to make such a thing accessible. We used to think outside the box. We used to be excited for the future. Now we're just cynical and complacent.

We need to find optimism again. Fun needs to be reborn. What's wrong with doing something just because it's fun and makes tasks like air travel actually enjoyable? Why can't art or books or movies exist simply to inspire and entertain? Why does there have to be some hidden agenda or politics?

We need some Neo-Futurism to make its way into meatspace!

From Shotcut to Kdenlive

So I've been using Shotcut for a while now, for my YouTube videos... and music videos. I love the application. Slicing clips, doing fade...