Sunday, December 1, 2024

From Shotcut to Kdenlive

So I've been using Shotcut for a while now, for my YouTube videos... and music videos. I love the application. Slicing clips, doing fades and transitions are very fast and easy. That's the big thing for me. I do a LOT of slices in each video I do. If these tasks are cumbersome then video editing quickly becomes painful and unpleasant.

A bit ago I started using Xdotool to make slicing even quicker and easier. But in Shotcut I had to do pauses between each action in Xdotool, the app couldn't keep up. Some actions required more than one second's pause. This got me wanting to try out other editors to see if maybe there was a better option for me.

I really wanted to use Davinci Resolve but I THINK it doesn't like my hardware. I tried so many installation methods. The best ones I saw were the Distrobox options like Davincibox. Those seemed to get me the closest. But never all the way. I actually got it to run once, but it still didn't like my audio card or configuration. And I would prefer an open source editor, but I wanted to see what the editor of choice was like.

Reluctantly I gave up on DR. I ended up seeing a suggested video on YouTube about Kdenlive. I had actually tried that app way back when I knew absolutely nothing about video editing. I didn't know about proxy clips so everything was laggy. I believe the UI was kind of clunky back in those days. So I've never given Kdenlive any serious consideration. However after seeing this recent video on it I decided to give it another try.

It's really good

My first day using it, I had my xdotool script updated, and I no longer needed the pauses, the app was able to keep up. And one day later I was editing at nearly the same pace as Shotcut. It doesn't have preset zoom in's/out's etc. BUT it's key framing interface is so easy to use I actually don't miss the preset fx and tramsitions. I can manually set keyframes just as quick and easily.

There are some other incredibly useful tools in Kdenlive that Shortcut doesn't have. In future articles I'll discuss these, going into detail. So far I'm really loving nearly everything about Kdenlive, the gripes that I have are pretty minor, and I may be able to overcome them using xdotool, we'll see.

Introduction to WorldWeaver

A New Iteration  I've been working on the second manifestation of my Interactive Fiction engine - WorldWeaver - for about a year now. I ...