Thursday, September 3, 2020

CI/CD'ing Music

I've changed how I use Soundcloud lately. It used to be that I would work on a song, listen to it on various sound systems, do the 'car check' an so on. Then I would go back and make corrections and re-check. After many such iterations I would post it to Soundcloud and consider it done. A finished sculpture, never to be altered again.

Lately, however, I have been doing my usual iterations and posting to Soundcloud, with one major difference. I no longer view the song as a form chiseled into stone, rather it is like a software application to me. I continue to listen to it after I've posted it. If I hear something that needs improved (A 'bug' in the song), I make the tweak and replace the song on Soundcloud.

I like it. I just listened to an older song and heard all kinds of improvements I need to make. In the past I would just grumble and never listen to it again. But now, it's time to fix the bug and push out another iteration of the song.

5 VST Effects I Use in Every Song

VSTs are so great. I have a massive collection of free instruments and FX that I've tracked down. There are SOO many to choose from... B...