Old war stories are so cool to listen to. My reading of choice, along with sci fi and tech/development books, are old sailor journals. Not the ones written by captains or mates, but by the sailors before the mast. Those are the guys who are in the thick of it. And they've seen a good many things. They know why seemingly nonsensical tasks are - or at least at one time were - very important. They are the old salts. They have blisters and leathery skin and they are tough as nails. I enjoy reading about the task of sailing. It's the work of it that I like.
I just read a great article on totally useless Linux commands. It was interesting, and yeah the commands seemed ridiculous.
But then you get to the comments.
Oh man. The old salts came out to play! The comments were easily the best part of the article. Old hands with calloused fingers, and tough as nails shed light on the commands mentioned, and why they were useful at one time. I found the comments to be absolutely riveting. I am no Linux master, I'm probably barely a novice, but all of their examples made perfect sense, and the commands no longer seemed silly.
Check it out here:
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