Saturday, November 4, 2017

Selecting Text

Is it just me or is selecting text on a phone a major headache? Surely there must be a better way. It seems like a good idea in theory. A start and stop node appear and you can drag them to highlight what you want.

But your fingers obscure the very nodes you are dragging. In many cases the selection is erratic and selects unwanted blocks of text etc. It is difficult to get text at the edge of the screen selected.

It isn't just me. And the issue isn't a new one. Look at this topic, and the interesting 'smear' idea. I kind of like it!

Oh great, here comes my mobile OS rant again:
If the future of personal commuting is tablets and phones etc, mobile operating systems have a lot of work to do. And the linux?? is hopefully as open as standard distros. I shouldn't have to hack into my own computer and root it just to use it - for something more significant than popping bubbles or crushing candy.

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