Friday, December 8, 2017

How I Roll Blogger

I use Blogger because it's easy. Of course. I can spin up a simple blog with minimal effort. All I'm really interested in is sharing my nerdy thoughts and networking with people who are smarter than I am (I firmly believe I will become smarter via osmosis) - AKA all of you.
I typically write all my posts on my phone, in VIM then publish them via the official Blogger app. I don't have a need for much beyond that. But if you've left me a comment you may notice that my reaponses are slow. That's because thr Blogger app has no concept of comments.
Due to the lack of comment ability in the official Blogger app, I've decided to try some other clients. The first one I'm trying is Bloggeroid. So far it seems - interesting. I don't like the way you have to re-load your post if you save it. I am an obsessive saver so that's not going to work for me - but I do write in VIM so maybe it's Ok. The cool thing is it does have a comments interface, so I should be able to stay on top of them.
I also use Blogger Stats on my phone to look at the numbers. When I don't get direct feedback I can see which topics seem to be of the most interest etc and keep that in mind. I'm not sure about how accurate it is, but good enough for my purposes.

1 comment:

  1. Oh wait! I may have to test some other blogger apps - BlogIt! looks much cooler than bloggeroid.


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