Monday, December 25, 2017

RIP Space Watch

I'm sad. My 01TheOne X watch is dead. It was one of the most scifi looking watches I own. Such amazing design! ... Wasted.
When I found the watch online I had to have it. It looked like Space Mountain. It had so many visual elements I was looking for. In fact it would have made a killer smart watch. It was large, square, and had cool transparent blue elements. It even ticked like a Swatch.
When it arrived it looked even cooler in person! It was well built, had a tough rubber strap, solid body, it was great!
But I found that I rarely wore it. The biggest problem was readability. It doesn't have a light in it and unless you are in decent light good luck seeing the time. But when it's on your wrist you feel like the pilot of a sweet 1980's spaceship.
After maybe half a year it went blank. The battery was already dead? Considering how small the digital display was, this seemed odd. I opened it to remove the batteries until I was ready to buy more. At that point I learned that it requires not one, not even two, but THREE batteries. Ugh. I just took it in to get two of the three replaced. I didn't really need it to tick at this point.
But when the batteries were replaced it still didn't work. It turns out the circuit board points were corroded. What? After less than a year? And I took amazingly good care of the watch. I was very sad. It has now become a neat looking bracelet.
The whole ordeal has soured me on novelty watches. So now when I'm hunting for scifi looking watches I look for surf watches. And my options are very limited. Diesel no longer makes any of their killer square scifi watches. The Stark lines are all discontinued and Tokyo Flash makes me nervous - they are novelty watches.
Rip Curl makes some cool watches, but I already have their green crystal Rifles watch (Now my fav scifi watch), and the others are either not quite as cool, or they're $100s of dollars. Nixon's clear Comp watches are cool, but I have one of those also. The FitBit Ionic is very 01TheOne X looking, but it is muktiple $100s also. Everything else is round, or VERY cheap.
The hunt continues. RIP Space Watch.

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