Monday, December 4, 2017

The Beauty of Macros

I've written about them before but macros are a thing of beauty. One of the coolest aspects of editors like VIM is that everything in the editor is done via command, which means it can be called by a macro.

I don't know if they have since been restored, but I find Microsoft's removal of macros from Visual Studio perplexing. Why would you remove such a powerful tool - that you already had nailed down - from your dev environment?


Macros are something I've been overlooking in my Java console projects. Like VIM everything in my software is driven by commands. - So I could allow users to create and use macros. World Weaver touches on this in the admin utility. Game authors can create macro files (Text files that contain WW commands - either player commands like 'examine the torch' - or admin commands like '_move secret_escape_room"), then call them via the file name:
_macro escapedungeon

This feature has saved me a LOT of time, making tedious tasks much more tolerable. Now I need to revisit my other projects and see if macros would make sense there also.

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