I've tried yet another window manager, Enlightenment. I'm really not sure why I keep doing this to myself, I keep my desktop so minimal there really isn't much noticeable difference. I don't use taskbars or 'shelves' or widgets. I launch everything from the launcher and I keep my window decorations as minimal-themed as possible. I like the idea of tiled WMs, but they do really funky things when I'm working in Reaper or other GUI intense apps. I don't do everything in the console. And Plasma just works better. I've tried using the fstab to automount my USBs, so far to no avail. So that is a pain in non-plasma WMs. I use CopyQ for my clipboard manager and that never works quite right in other WMs either. It would be great if Plasma had a tiled mode. I actually haven't looked into that so I may be missing something.
The Bad
So far the pain points I have with Enlightenment are:
- Touchpad disabling when a mouse is plugged in.
This one is actually kind of a big deal. It is a huge pain, having the cursor moving around as I'm trying to type. And it inadvertently clicks on whatever it is above. I have a script I can run to disable it but that is kind of a pain. In Plasma, I can just set the option to disable it when a mouse is plugged in.
- Automounting USBs doesn't seem to work. This is another task I can simply set in an option in Plasma.
- CopyQ behaves... weirdly. In Plasma it launches on startup and behaves as it should.
Honestly these are the exact issues I've had with all the tiled WMs and lightweight WMs, and Fluxbox etc. Sadly so far it is just the big fellas - Gnome, KDE - that do everything I need as a terminal AND GUI user. As I've already stated I need to be able to work in Blender, Reaper, Inkscape, Gimp, and other GUIs. Unfortunately I can't do everything in VIM.
The Good
- It looks great.
I do like the look of Enlightenment. It feels like my whole computer is an audio app or virtual synth. I may need to tweak my Plasma config to look kinda like this.
- Speed.
The experience is really snappy. It just feels lightweight and not bloated. It's nice.
Even though I'm going back to Plasma, I feel like Enlightenment is worth a try, you might love it. Same with Fluxbox. Give that a try as well.
Hi, I have been using Enlightenment for quite some time.
ReplyDeleteIt's nice to see other people trying it out.
Automounting is working for me when I compile EFL with udev and `-Dlibmount=true`
For the external mouse/touchpad issue, I never used an external one on my laptop : (
Thanks for your comments on Enlightenment! and thanks for the tip on automounting. I'll have to spend some more time with Enlightenment once I get closer to wrapping up the space-mining game.