Friday, September 15, 2017

Electric Sheep Dreaming of Robots

I love Synthwave. Everytime I listen to it, I see Unix. I see the old computer an elementary school friend's father owned. That reminds me of sleeping on the deck out under the stars. I see Tron and Centipede. I feel like I'm in yesterday's tomorrow and it looks amazing. I'm wearing a super tech looking old LED watch, and other cool gear. I am transported into the great neon pictures associated with the music, they are fitting.
I'm back in the world so accurately portrayed in Stranger Things. The world those kids live in is the very one I did. Bikes and digital watches. Robots, adventures, mysteries. Actual childhood, innocence.
Ahhh Unix music.
And wow the Blade Runner trailer music!! I must get it. It captures the same Unix / retro feel but with enough 'new' to make it intriguing.


  1. You need to hit up an electronics parts store, and pick up a breadboard and some cheap components. Look up how to make an APC (Atari Punk Console), it's very easy, and so much fun to play with! Talk about retro ;)


  2. Oh! Thanks for the suggestion! I will DEF check that out, never messed with stuff like that. -- I can never have too many hobbies, right?


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