I am actually getting close to code freeze on the text-based game engine. For the initial release at least. So it is time to put together a website for it. It's been a long time since I've done web work. So I fired up VIM, grabbed a simple single page template, and started tweaking etc. I just need a nice looking site. I don't want to have to work on it forever.
I apologize in advance to my web developer friends, but HTML is so horrible. Especially given it was born in the days, where code file sizes actually mattered. I realize that there are other ways to lay out web UIs etc. I'm just talking about HTML itself.
HTML defines presentation / layout. It really should be like Markdown and JSON had a child. At the very least make it more concise. If you read my posts about Norman Notation, you know that I moved my game engine definitions away from XML to what essentially is a very slimmed down sort of JSON - it at least has a kind of similar feel. That was the best thing I could have ever done to the game engine! Defining games is so much faster and far more enjoyable now.
No more dumb angle brackets all over the place. Just the bare minimum of code.
Keep the page simple and clean and the code will be simple. The days of complex crazy flash ridden sites are thankfully over. I was always one to write sites in notepad. Kept me from going overboard. Save the complex coding for the php/js/ajax. And never use a WYSIWYG editor. They create html that nightmares are made of lol