Friday, December 29, 2017

A Thing For Its Own Sake

This is probably just me, and I'm sure I've touched on it before, but it seems like there is very little that we do simply for its own sake anymore. Maybe we've killed fun with our 'enlightenment'.

Still my favorite piece of graffitti:
A society that makes every form of recreation illegal, makes its own destruction the only possible recreation.

I love retro futurism because it seems to exist for its own sake. I'm sure it actually didn't (Maybe we were trying to show the communists how advanced we were), but looking at it from the future it sure seems to. Hovering cars, because future. Space age martini parties in flawlessly perfect suburbs, because future! Robots, rockets, cities in the sky, all because the future is amazing.

Or art. Pushing your ability at realism, or diving deeper into abstraction, or fully exploring an idea or vision. Hyper realism, because art. Abstraction, because art. Visions, surrealism, other worlds in images, because art!
Technology for the future's sake. Not because it's 'green' or responsible or whatever. Just because it's cool.
Art for art's sake. Not to piss people off or essentially be political satire.
And what about chatting for chatting sake? Good luck being on ANY social feed without being flooded with politics and other irritating topics.
Social media for chatting sake.

I think we need to quit taking ourselves so seriously and allow ourselves to have some fun... because it's fun.

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