Saturday, December 30, 2017

Skirts In Space

This post is sort of a part two to my previous one. I reiterate: I love retro future. When I think back, I've always liked sci-fi, but it wasn't until the family went back to Disney Land a few years ago and I waited in line for Space Mountain that I realized I absolutely love sci-fi and specifically retro sci-fi.
While I was waiting for an hour or two, in the heart of Tomorrowland I had plenty of time to look at what Disneyland had envisioned 1984 as. I imagined myself in the utopia of the 1960's-1970's. I world where the future was full of promise and technology existed simply because it was cool.
I DO love modern sci-fi as well, but I don't like how it ALL is dystopian... and is so eager to cast corporations as the ultimate evil when it is death by government that has racked up BY FAR the most murders in the 20th century. I have no problem using sci-fi as escapism. It doean't always have to be horror or political commentary.

As such, I have zero beef with miniskirts in space. Why can't the future be sexy? I'm cool with putting the guys in tight space shirts, why not? Let the future be sexy and fun. It's fiction. Make it what you want it to be. Why not create a future world that we all want to be in, not just worlds we fear?
Call me sexist all you want. I'm totally down for miniskirts in space.

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