Thursday, April 26, 2018

Put Something On Your Head

I have a lot of hats. Pork pies, pub caps, fiddlers, greek fishermen, cadet caps, Stormy Kromers, dixie caps, Mau caps, jeep caps, beanies, boonies, can hats, and a fez. Hats are a great way to express yourself. I've dug up some of the more unique hats I've encountered and would like to share them with you.
Stormy Kromer - perfect camper / boater
I have a Kromer and I love it. But I do have to be in the mood for it. I typically prefer shapes quite a bit different from Kromer's, but they are so well made. They are comfortable and amazingly functional. With their large bill and snug fit I actually wear mine sailboat racing and camping.
Duck Canvas Greek : perfect Popeye
White fiddlers and fisherman caps are perfect summer caps. They are fun, humorous, and to me scream I AM the party - because they just don't care. And who doesn't want to party with Popeye.
Aphgani Pakol : awesome wool traditionale
I found these a few years ago and really wanted to get one. Had I found the black one I JUST encountered I probably would have purchased it. Wearing one them in this part of the world would definitely be a bold fashion statement. They are nice and minimal, rugged, utilitarian, and wool! I'll have to get one sometime.
Stetson Docker : expensive... beanie?
This one is truly strange. I like the stitched panel beanie idea, but it would have to be fitted. I feel like making it sizeable just makes it look like a classic baseball cap that has had its bill cut off. And then there's the price. Now I am TRULY confused.
Howell Shantung Pork Pie : because, Ska!
To me this hat screams Ska. And I love me some Ska. It is another great summer and party hat, like a young fun cousin to the Panama.
The Telescope : a porkpie cap
This is one of the strangest hat... cap... uh I don't even know.  I have zero love for flatbills, so taking a Pork Pie (Which is a style I love) and putting a flatbill on it is an abomination. The end result looks like a cross between a conductor hat and a Civil War Kepi But I have to give it full credit for its uniqueness.

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