I've decided to take the plunge - finally - and learn c++. To do so I'm taking my nmx notes/bookmarks/todo/whatever app and recreating it in c++. It is a good candidate because I've been building it in one form or another for over ten years now. It was once a web-based GUI then it got rebuilt a couple times in Java as a console app. So I'm very familiar with what it needs to do and how to accomplish it. And it's much simpler than my IF game engine, which has its own custom markup language in it, as well as a help builder tool. The help system will be part of nmx, but I'll save it for later, when I'm comfortable with c++.
As I go I'm building a library of how to do certain things in c++ like file/folder manipulation and sqlite3 methods. The input parsing should be interesting, considering how tricky it was to get string to array functionality working. I'll convert it to regex, which I need to do for all of my other console apps in Java. I would like to be much more adept at regex anyway.
So far it's starting to fall into place, I have basic input handling and database creation in place. Once the DB is defined I'll probably tackle the regex piece. I'll also have to parse through datasets coming back from the DB.
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