Yes, it's about time. It's only been there since 2010. All this time I've never spotted it. Rust. But then again I don't often go about looking for new programming languages. Typically I'm trying to find out new ways of using the few I know fairly well. - And of course the periodic and futile attempts to successfully build something in c++.
Then completely by accident I stumbled upon Rust. I like the memory safety, 'lending', and race free concepts. I'm not aware of other changes from c++ yet but I may have to mess around with it. Of course I'm not terribly savvy at c++ so it'd be as steep of a learning curve as c++ itself would be.
We'll see what happens. I am currently at a crossroads. WorldWeaver is pretty stable currently. I've been doing some game building in it, but no real updates to the engine or admin tools. I have a space mining start in Java, but database interaction is too costly, I need to figure out how I'd deal with that. But not much on my plate.
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