Well I've spent a few nights beating my head against my desk trying to make the quadrant system work. It has been maddening. The quadrants could be either created if they don't exist, or loaded from a saved config file. But each one also has compass direction neighbors that also must be handled before they need to be drawn to the screen. Everything I tried ended up in thousands of neighboring files being created or glitchy, messed up game experiences.
I decided to ditch the whole quadrant thing and just did a huuge level instead. Since it only considers elements that would be shown in the current screen I've been able to make the level large enough to appear to be endless.
Now that level elements stay where they are, and are adjusted by the level moving, collision checks are MUCH easier. So I've been able to do the energy collection piece of the game with very little headache.
Now for landing on planets and dealing with their surfaces.
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