Thursday, June 11, 2020

Never Say Always

I am FAR from a guru... or anything resembling one. I am self taught so often I know things, but am unfamiliar with their terminology. I may be unfamiliar with commonly taught problems or patterns. So don't give my thoughts too much weight.

I just watched yet another "Why <Insert Name> programming is horrible" video. In this case it was OOP (Which I personally like). I've seen a few of these. It is always fun to hear the criticisms of various languages or programming patterns or editors etc. The arguments typically go:

1. <Insert Name> is terrible. You should never use it (Gotta get the clicks).

2. Here's some arguments why it sucks.

3. But... sometimes it's useful.

4. Use <Insert Name> but not all the time.

I say use whichever paradigm works - when it works. It's like Kung Fu. If you are sparring and you are a 'kickarian' when you opponent has moved in past your kicking range, into elbow range let's say. Forcing a kick to happen is ridiculous. You need to throw some 'bows. Forcing everything into an object is just as bad... so is forcing everything to be procedural, or 100% CSS, or whatever the extreme proposition is. If it works best in a situation, use it.

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